For yet another year, Isdefe presents its 2022 Annual Report, with the activity carried out and the results obtained by the Company during this period, to all the organizations and entities it serves. The document also reports on and verifies the organization’s performance in the three areas of sustainability: economic, social and environmental.
Isdefe, aware of the importance of transparency, integrity and business ethics, has once again decided to endorse this report in accordance with the Principles of the United Nations Global Compact and the GRI Standard reporting methodology. With all this, the company intends to demonstrate its capacity to generate shared value in the areas where it operates and its commitment to the surrounding environment.
Likewise, this 2022 Isdefe has published its Statement of Non-Financial Information and Diversity adjusted to [Spanish] Law 11/2018. Some of its data have been incorporated into this Report. The Statement of Non-Financial Information and Diversity is available at:

See status

Message from the President

Ms. María Amparo Valcarce García


The development and well-being of society depend on an adequate guarantee of the level of security, which is why Defence policies, in the current scenario, have focused on the objective of modernising and improving the military capabilities of our armed forces, supported by the strengthening of the Defence Technological and Industrial Base.

Letter from the Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Francisco Quereda Rubio


This Annual Report, corresponding to the year 2022, describes a period in which, despite the global challenges we face, we have been able to overcome and achieve new goals thanks to the efforts of our workforce and its solid corporate culture.